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Cason is a senior Classics major hailing from Minneapolis, MN. Originally a transfer student from Xavier, it was in Newman that Cason first made connections and friendships which have lasted years. Growing "in wisdom, stature, and grace" (Luke 2:52) through camaraderie and a community conducible to personal growth in the Catholic faith, Cason has climbed the proverbial ranks, serving first as Vice President in academic year 2023-4 before being elected president for academic year 2024-5. He intends to capitalize on his remaining time in Newman by leading a bible study based upon his translation of all the Gospels from Koine Greek and is looking forward to deepening old relationships and fostering new ones. 

In Christ and in the Newman community, he has found the consummation of his quest for meaning and fraternity. He feels a great sense of humility to serve as president and hopes to comport himself with the dignity of the office:  á¼€ρχῆς ὑμεá¿–ς πάντες μιν á¼€ξιοá¿–τε. 

Co-Vice President

Hi, my name is Sophia Battenhouse. I am a 3rd year chemical engineering student, and I’m currently on co-op! I’m from Akron, OH, and I love running, reading, playing the cello, and doing anything outdoors. I’m super excited to be a part of the leadership team this year, and I can’t wait to plan and participate in the amazing events we have coming up! 

Co-Vice President

Emory is a third year student majoring in neuroscience on the pre-med track. When coming to Case, Emory knew it would be important to find a faithful community, and Newman fulfilled that desire! She has been involved in Labre, women’s small groups, and of course, Newman Nights. Her favorite Newman memory is visiting 7 Churches on Holy Thursday. Navigating your faith while in college is not always easy, but Emory hopes Newman provides opportunities for fellowship and for students to grow in their faith.


 Hannah Zacharia is a second year majoring in medical anthropology and minoring in chemistry, human nutrition, and religious studies. Newman has truly become one of the best parts of her college experience as a space to share and grow in her faith. From weekly Newman nights, small group, and post-Newman night Mitchell’s, she has truly found a community of genuine friendship and fellowship. Hannah is looking forward to serving the Case Catholic community and creating meaningful and faith-filled connections.


Brandon Moore is a junior majoring in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Brandon is looking forward to the upcoming year as the Treasurer for Case Catholic. For the past two years, the Case Catholic community has helped him become grounded in his faith and his personal relationship with God. Being part of a community that is connected in faith through genuine friendships has been a vital part of his spiritual journey. Brandon's favorite Newman memories include watching the Super Bowl at the Health Education Campus and the weekly Mitchell's after each and every Newman night. He is looking forward to the upcoming events for the year as well as the relationships yet to be made!

Public Relations Chair
Caroline Casey is a fourth year majoring in nursing. She is grateful to have the opportunity to serve as PR chair for Case’s Catholic community. Growing up, she found great joy in learning about her faith through the saints and small group bible study. After transferring to Case in 2021, Newman has become an important community for her continued spiritual growth. She has enjoyed Newman Nights and other experiences to grow deeper in her faith with peers. Caroline’s favorite experience so far has been the Lenten retreat at Historic St. Peter’s Church where students listened to student-led talks and had discussions in small groups. She has also loved gathering for the annual Newman Secret Santa, the Super Bowl gathering at HEC, and weekly post-Newman Mitchell's. Caroline looks forward to helping to foster and grow an even stronger community of faith!
Graduate Student Liaison

Community is one of the beautiful pillars of the Catholic faith, as we are all part of the mystical Body of Christ. It has been a great joy to be a part of this Case Catholic family over the past 7 years and to see how much it has grown from the handful of students back in the days. Goals for next year are (1) to strengthen our presence in the graduate schools, letting folks know they have a home here; (2) to continue to connect our ministry with Holy Rosary and the greater Catholic community here in Cleveland; and (3) to increase our love of the Eucharist!

The road is long, let us walk together!

Graduate Student Liaison

I am a 4 year old Catholic (baptized in 2020) going into my final year of medical school at Case. Participating in Newman has been a really valuable chance for me to continue to grow in faith and to connect with a beautiful community who shares that mission. I am grateful for the opportunities to get to know and learn from my fellow Case Catholics through Newman nights and small group. If I were selected for the leadership team, I would like to help bring the gifts of fellowship, community, and shared spiritual growth that Newman has given me and my family to other students, particularly other graduate students who may not be aware of Case Catholic and how fruitful it can be.


Website designed by Newman Catholic Campus Ministry at Case Western Reserve University © 2019

318A Thwing Center

11111 Euclid Ave. 

Cleveland, OH 44106


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