I am a rising senior majoring in classics with a minor in chemistry and have been a part of Newman ever since I first arrived at Case in Spring of 2022. I am proud to call myself part of the Newman community, previously serving in the role of Vice President for academic year 2023-4. My love for the artistic, philosophical, and linguistic tradition of the Catholic Church kindles in me a profound desire to lead CWRU Newman as its president and, even more so, to give of myself as Christ did in service, and in appreciation for the wonderful friendships and spiritual edifications which Newman has brought me.

In my last two years at CWRU, my participation in Case Catholic has helped me gain more faithful friends and strengthen my faith. By being Vice President, I hope to continue to cultivate a welcoming and exciting environment and organize fun events. Participating in this club is often the highlight of my week, and by being more involved as Vice President I hope to help others build more great friendships and memories!
I have been grateful for the past two years I have spent as part of the Newman community. I have always felt confident that I can be myself, have fun, and grow in my faith at every Newman event. Some of my favorite events this year have been apple picking, Labre runs, the Fish Fry, Holy Hours, and of course, post Newman Mitchell’s. Each week, Newman is a priority of mine because I love the ability to learn and grow in my faith while walking with others.
This past year as a member of Newman, I stepped into a few leadership roles. Starting in the fall, I co-led our Women’s Bible Study with Sophia. I have cherished this group because it allows us to have conversations about our faith and get to know each other well. This Spring, I stepped into the role of Secretary. I have loved taking on a bigger role in our Ministry. The majority of my role dealt with communicating with the organization, parish, and leadership team to promote events. This semester I have been able to witness the work that goes on within the leadership team to put on Newman Nights and various social events. As Vice President, I hope to continue to strengthen the bond between Newman members, minister to new students, and foster an environment where each member grows in their faith.

Hi everyone! My name is Hannah Zacharia and I am a second year majoring in medical anthropology and minoring in chemistry, human nutrition, and religious studies. Newman has truly become one of the best parts of my college experience as a space to share and grow in my faith. From weekly Newman nights, small group, and post-Newman night Mitchell’s, I have truly found a community of genuine friendship and fellowship. This year, I’d like to run for the position of secretary and use this opportunity to contribute to the team.
I believe that effective communication and organization are essential elements in maintaining the success of the Case Catholic community. From my previous experience in leadership in various clubs like Remote Area Medical, writer-interviewer for Refugees on Record, and VP of Academic Excellence in Alpha Gamma Delta, I have demonstrated my ability to effectively manage tasks, communicate with team members, and ensure that commitments are fulfilled. By taking careful meeting notes and ensuring clear follow-up action items, I aim to be a dependable member of the team, working towards upholding the welcoming, faith-filled community of Case Catholic.


Hello! My name is Brandon Moore and I am a rising junior here at Case studying mechanical and aerospace engineering. Since the start of my freshman year, the Newman center has been a huge part of my life both in terms of spiritual growth and fostering lifelong friendships. I have seen amazing changes in my relationship with God as well as how I incorporate His will into my daily life. The Case Catholic community has been invaluable to me and I want to help the community continue to grow and allow others to feel welcome and connected in their faith. Being treasurer last year gave me the opportunity to influence the events and topics for Newman Nights. It also enabled me to create new, exciting events for the community. Additionally, I found great success in securing budgets for Newman and associated groups. I would be privileged to have the chance to serve the community once again and continue to improve what the Newman center has to offer for everyone within it.
I seek the Treasurer position because I would like to play a greater role in Case Catholic and use my time and talents to support this organization. I have loved going to Newman Nights and I have found a meaningful community in Case Catholic that has enriched my college experience and helped me grow in my relationship to Christ. Through serving as Treasurer, I can give back to this club. In regards to what I can bring to this role, I have a lot of prior leadership experience. In high school, I was the founder and president of the Future Doctors Club and I am also an Eagle Scout, so I have been able to develop strong organizational and communication skills. As Treasurer, I will efficiently manage funds so that Case Catholic can continue being able to run fun events that instill a stronger sense of community among its members. I also intend on planning out one or more fundraisers throughout the year. I have gotten to know the current Treasurer Brandon well, so I can expect there to be a seamless transition. Overall, I am excited about serving Case Catholic and representing you all as Treasurer!


As a third year nursing student at Case, it has been a blessing to become part of Case Catholic’s kind and welcoming community. I have been grateful to serve on the Newman leadership team for the past two years as treasurer and PR chair. Being PR chair this past year has been a wonderful experience to celebrate our faith centered events on social media and connect with peers. I have been able to document important gatherings, update the website regularly, and increase the Instagram's following. If I were to continue holding this position in Case Catholic, I would contribute my past experience with photography and PR responsibilities as well as introduce new, creative ideas for growing the Case faith community. As PR Chair, I would continue to make Newman's online presence a welcoming introduction for prospective students and a genuine representation of the bold, compassionate, and faith-filled members of our community.
I am interested in running for PR chair because I enjoy expressing myself creatively and feel that I could bring a new perspective to the leadership team. I am very comfortable with using social media and consider myself to be an organized, responsible person who works well with others. I feel that my traits would allow me to reach a broad audience and engage with the CWRU community on a deeper level.


I am a 4 year old Catholic (baptized in 2020) going into my final year of medical school at Case. Participating in Newman has been a really valuable chance for me to continue to grow in faith and to connect with a beautiful community who shares that mission. I am grateful for the opportunities to get to know and learn from my fellow Case Catholics through Newman nights and small group. If I were selected for the leadership team, I would like to help bring the gifts of fellowship, community, and shared spiritual growth that Newman has given me and my family to other students, particularly other graduate students who may not be aware of Case Catholic and how fruitful it can be.
Hi, my name is Jake Bowers and I am running for Grad Student Representative. I have been involved in Case Catholic events this year and been privileged to meet many undergrad and grad students, and also been involved in other Cleveland Catholic young adult events. I am running for this role to help coordinate new events for Catholic grad students on campus, and get more students involved in Newman. I think there's a wonderful opportunity for Catholic and Christian grad students which is still somewhat untapped, and I hope to grow this ministry of fellowship with this part of CWRU.

I am a first year medical student who is originally from Shelby, Nebraska where I grew up on a farm. I went to school to the University of Notre Dame for my undergraduate and will be starting my second year at CWRU School of Medicine. I have been a Catholic my whole life and love the faith. I would like to serve as a graduate student representative because I would love to contribute more to Newman by helping and supporting the campus ministry team in planning and organizing events, which is something I greatly enjoy. As a graduate student representative, I would also encourage more graduate students to join the Newman community. Thank you for your consideration!
Community is one of the beautiful pillars of the Catholic faith, as we are all part of the mystical Body of Christ. It has been a great joy to be a part of this Case Catholic family over the past 7 years and to see how much it has grown from the handful of students back in the days. Goals for next year are (1) to strengthen our presence in the graduate schools, letting folks know they have a home here; (2) to continue to connect our ministry with Holy Rosary and the greater Catholic community here in Cleveland; and (3) to increase our love of the Eucharist!
The road is long, let us walk together!

Hi Newman! I'm Christian Hecht, and I will be a 4th year medical student next year. I'm running for the graduate student liaison role for Newman as I want to capitalize on the momentum we have in widening Newman's reach to more graduate students. Although I have had a quite variable schedule in the past, this upcoming year should be quite relaxed, especially after October. I look forward to helping either as the official graduate student liaison, or just helping out whoever is elected! Thank you.